What inspired you to become a member of the Virtual Advisory Board community?
I was inspired by VAB’s mission, its sense of community, and its promise to deliver a platform where members have opportunities to keep learning as advisors, board members and mainly as humans. I was excited to find a community where I can share the different experiences I have had as an athlete, corporate executive, and a sports entrepreneur and show how I use them in disruptive perspectives to solve problems: both in creative ways and for partners around the globe.
In what area do you feel board advisors can add the most value for Boards of Directors (BoDs) and executive teams?
Outlier advisors with broader expertise and outside of day-to-day operations can bring innovative ideas for solving complex problems. They can support C Level teams in embracing any challenge and/or obstacle smarter and faster. Advisors tend to have an overview of multiple industries and businesses. This can help boards and leadership teams break problems down into more practical (manageable) perspectives and create value for the company, its leadership team, and its stakeholders.
What would be your dream company/organization to work with as a board advisor/NED?
Any company/organisation that goes beyond EBITDA or EVA and focuses its resources on delivering an authentic impact on society, consumers, clients, and other businesses through its global services and products. I have a slight bias toward the sports industry in my decision-making, because my knowledge of, and passion for, sports and business merge in a unique way to aid in solving complex problems related to strategic finance and new markets: both organically and inorganically. I also have a very deep understanding of the LATAM region and work with a truly top-level network there.
What book would you recommend to VAB members that might improve their skills in corporate
governance, board advisory or boosting board-to-executive team communications?
The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday. This is because life is about obstacles: in business, in our personal lives, and in many other areas. But the way we receive, approach, and overcome obstacles is ultimately all that matters.
Follow Charlie Sarmiento on LinkedIn.